Reader beware: There are a lot of unpolished ideas here. Half baked thoughts, loosely connected associations, uninformed (but slowly becoming fully formed) opinions, pages waiting to be filled, and bullet points abound.

The Lunar Nodes

What it Is

The Lunar Nodes are where the plane of the moon’s orbit and the Earth’s orbit intersects1. The North Node is the point where the moon travels from South to North whereas when the moon travels from North to South, that is the South Node. They are considered eclipsing places.

The moon has it’s own nodes but other planets can have their nodes, too.


Bad if the the Moon is near 12 degrees of either node. Lots of instability. Sense of urgency. Need for mindfulness.

Don’t start anything if the Moon is in the sign of the Nodes or of the bendings of the moon (Valens). Ptolemy says that the moon will be more active and excitable here.

  1. [[ _books/ancient-astrology-in-theory-and-practice-by-demetra-george ]] 

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