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The Lot of Fortune

Also known as the Lot of the Moon. Relates to the body, health, and wealth. Just like lots, it is usually something of chance or luck.

For [[ diurnal-charts|diurnal charts ]], the Lot of Fortune is calculated by calculating the distance from [[ the-sun|the Sun ]] to the Moon and then projected from the ascendant.

For [[ nocturnal-charts|nocturnal charts ]], the Lot of Fortune is calculated by calculating the distance from the Moon to the Sun and then project from the ascendant1.


A planet conjunct with the Lot of Fortune is more fortunate.

The house containing the Lot of Fortune is more active.

Can also indicate any body parts that are prone to injury.

  1. [[ _books/ancient-astrology-in-theory-and-practice-by-demetra-george ]] 

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